Noxon BPA

Mrs. Grupenhoff (406)847-2442  Ext. 304

Elloria and I are a part of BPA, which is a super fun group that helps future business students learn about new skills whether they be socially or academically to prepare for their future. With BPA comes a lot of responsibility and hard work, to make it to each level of competition you must either place in your events or do volunteer work, services, or kind deeds within the community. 

Each takes time and dedication, Elloria and I have qualified for the State Conference which means we go to Billings and compete there. To make it to Nationals we have been performing our Torch Awards, and one of them is writing a part for a website or community paper about a social learning topic. 

Being a parent is hard, and not all kids come home and actually tell their parents what they learned that day. There are a lot of kids who want to show their parents love, but may not know how. We thought it would be nice to teach younger kids something they can surprise their parents with. 

Both of us have decided to go into the Kindergarten class, teach the kids some sign language, and help them with writing letters for their parents. We are going into Mrs. Swanson's class on February 7- 9th for part of a class period each day to teach them something new. Not only do both of us want to go work with younger kids, but also we would love the opportunity to grow relationships within our school. 

Having this small town ability to show love to our younger students is something that not a lot of other places don’t get, which is super cool! We absolutely adore each and every one of the classes in the elementary school, and are so excited to spread kindness throughout the school. 

  • Callie Cano, Elloria Jensen